scawen, i have noticed that the TC system cuts in too early from a standing start, in real life the traction control doesnt cut in until a speed of 60kph is reached, but it cuts in at about 16mph. im not complaining just thought id let u know.
i started driving again a few days ago with mouse (my wheel broke 6 months ago) and im finding it pretty hard with the S2 cars (only ever used mouse in S1) and i doubt i will be able to drive the F1 the world is a safer place!
wow awesome ive been away for like half a year but really its amazin whats goin on, and scawen eric and victor are clever guys and i wish them all massive success!!!!
just completed it today, got all 50 achievements (did all of the guild missions) and the main quest. the main quest was kinda a dissapointment visiting all of those repetative oblivion gates.... the dark brotherhood missions were awesome!
i think im level 16 now and doing sneaking and assasinations and stuff im almost maxed out on a few of my stats, but ive left out a mission from AGES ago with the theifs guild, i did a mission where i had to steal a staff from the university to piss off hironimus lex, then it says i have to wait and follow him, and no map marker appears, and i really want to carry on with the theif missions...
im loving this game and im just doing missions for the fighters guild and the theifs guild, although i cant find that damn statue thing for the theif quest :@
i have this gme for the 360, are the graphics on PC better?
clarkson is a shocking driver but a great presenter! a satelite dish faced comedian (Jimmy Carr) was 4 seconds faster than him, that is something to be ashamed of!